„DAS MINIATUR WUNDERLAND - EIN LEBENSTRAUM“ Wie aus einer genialen Idee die größte Modelleisenbahnanlage der Welt wurde!
Ca. zweieinhalb Stunden Gesamtspielzeit
2 DVDs
Von der Idee bis in die Zukunft, diese Doppel-DVD beantwortet wichtige Fragen. Wie ist das Miniatur Wunderland entstanden? Was macht es so beliebt und besonoders? Und: was hält die Zukunft in petto? Die Gründer Frederik und Gerrit Braun nehmen Sie mit auf diese aufregende Reise.
„Das Miniatur Wunderland – Ein Lebenstraum in Miniatur“ - Gemeinsam mit den Machern der tollen KabelEins-Reportagen haben wir eine komplett neue Doppel-DVD gedreht - voller spannender Einblicke in die Arbeiten und die Highlights der neuesten Teile des Wunderlandes.
Die brandneuen DVDs sind bereits auf dem Weg vom Presswerk zu uns und werden Ende November erwartet.
Die weltweit größte Modelleisenbahn trifft eines der erfolgreichsten Gesellschaftsspiele der Welt. Begeben Sie sich auf eine faszinierende Reise durch alle Abschnitte des Miniatur Wunderlandes. Vom Death Valley über Knuffingen Airport bis zur Miniatur Elbphilharmonie – kaufen Sie sich Ihre Lieblingsattraktionen, vermieten Sie diese an Ihre Mitspieler und begeben Sie sich auf eine faszinierende Entdeckungstour mit der MONOPOLY Edition Miniatur Wunderland. Erfüllen sie wunderlandspezifische Pflichten bei den Ereignis- und Gemeinschaftskarten und bewegen Sie sich mit eigens für das Wunderland hergestellte Spielfiguren auf dem Feld.
Mit sechs speziell angefertigten Wunderland Spielfiguren!
A journey to the highlights, background information, details and hidden stories of the Miniatur Wunderland.
A creative endeavour now more than 20 years in the making, the world of Wunderland encompasses big cities and idyllic villages, imaginary places and faraway lands. It extends from the depths of the sea bed to the highest mountain peaks, from a sunny day on the beach to the ice cold of the Arctic Ocean.
Lavishly illustrated, fascinating background information, entertaining and fun to read.
Come with us on an exciting journey through the Wunderland worlds.Discover the fascinating feats of model building and impressive technical inventions.Indulge in a nostalgic look back at the very first days of our nine worlds and have a peek into the future too. Listen to entertaining stories about the colourful everyday lives of the Wunderlandians and let the impressive photography speak for itself. Take a look behind the scenes at hidden cameos and find out some astonishing facts and figures about the creation of the miniature worlds.Set out with us on a world tour in 1:87 scale – travelling by train or car, by ship or by plane.
Have a great trip and bon voyage!
You can find more information about the signed and limited special edition here: The Wonderful Worlds of Miniatur Wunderland (signed special edition)
*Attention: We would like to point out that we are shipping despite the corona pandemic. This requires special precautionary measures from us. As a result, your delivery may be delayed in the event of a high order volume.
A Small World But Larger Than Life Or is it rather a big world really small? Decide for yourself and embark on a journey throughout Miniatur Wunderland. This two-and-a-half hour movie carries you off into a world full of wonders.Dive into deep canyons, vibrant metropolises, or an open-air concert with 21.000 fans – on the largest model railway layout of the world there are many things to marvel at. Hamburg, America, Scandinavia, Switzerland, Airport, or Knuffingen. This movie shows everything you might have discovered on your visit, already – and much more!
Exciting bonus featuresIn exclusive interviews you'll get spellbinding background information right from the makers of Miniatur Wunderland.Whether layout planner, bridge builder, boss, or model maker – take a look behind the scenes of the largest model railway layout in the world, located in Hamburg. We'll also disclose the functioning of the car system. Experience the most fantastic day-and-night cycles at several layout locations. As a crowning finale, you’ll take a ride in the driver’s cab throughout the Swiss layout. Witness the greatest moments of the world’s largest model railway, firsthand.
You've never experienced Hamburg's Miniatur Wunderland as all-embracing before! The most spectacular panorama views, the most beautiful model constructions, the craziest scenes. From knight's tournaments to extraterrestrials, or many fire fighting operations – you will experience it all on this double-DVD. Dive into this tiny world, and embark on the most exciting journey you can imagine!
A Small World But Larger Than Life
Or is it rather a big world really small? Decide for yourself and embark on a journey throughout Miniatur Wunderland. This two-and-a-half hour movie carries you off into a world full of wonders.
Dive into deep canyons, vibrant metropolises, or an open-air concert with 21.000 fans – on the largest model railway layout of the world there are many things to marvel at. Hamburg, America, Scandinavia, Switzerland, Airport, or Knuffingen. This movie shows everything you might have discovered on your visit, already – and much more!
Exciting bonus features
In exclusive interviews you'll get spellbinding background information right from the makers of Miniatur Wunderland.
Whether layout planner, bridge builder, boss, or model maker – take a look behind the scenes of the largest model railway layout in the world, located in Hamburg. We'll also disclose the functioning of the car system. Experience the most fantastic day-and-night cycles at several layout locations. As a crowning finale, you’ll take a ride in the driver’s cab throughout the Swiss layout. Witness the greatest moments of the world’s largest model railway, firsthand.
You've never experienced Hamburg's Miniatur Wunderland as all-embracing before! The most spectacular panorama views, the most beautiful model constructions, the craziest scenes. From knight's tournaments to extraterrestrials, or many fire fighting operations – you will experience it all on this double-DVD. Dive into this tiny world, and embark on the most exciting journey you can imagine!